There’s no need to join a martial arts programme to take advantage of our FAST Defence courses!
Our basic course lasts approximately 4 1/2 hours, with lots of follow-on courses dealing with, among other things:
- Protection against / avoiding Weapons
- Responding to multiple attackers
- Ground fighting
Our equipment & expertise ensure a safe & practical session, which has been found to be invaluable by those who have experienced it.
Whether you just want to improve your own confidence or abilities, or are taking steps to deal with practical situations, our Fast Defence courses can help & are delivered by compassionate, attentive instructors, with experience in the very real, very emotive situations that can lead to seeking out such tuition.

Ages 12+
Read on to learn more, or click here to get answers to your questions!
Adrenal Response
We train you how to control the adrenal stress response that anyone gets in a confrontation, whether it is a small verbal engagement or a physical attack, and even to use this powerful emotional bio-chemical response as an incredible source of power!
Handling Adrenalin
From aggressive behaviour in the workplace to a mugging or violent attack on the street, the body is flooded with adrenaline during stressful situations. The biggest factor in self-protection is having the ability to channel the adrenaline and avoid ‘freezing up’. The object of all FAST courses is that the student should learn to experience and control difficult situations whilst under that adrenal stress.
Each course deals with the conditioning and reprogramming of the brain to work whilst under the effects of adrenal stress, we call this ‘aggression therapy’ . These effects can arise in a variety of places such as work, school, commuting or undertaking daily tasks – but building a resilience can help us control our own responses to them.
While assessing the psychology of the brain is the critical element, it needs to be backed up by the practical elements too. Practicing with group dynamics, techniques and the opportunity to try out the skills for real brings it all together.
Real Scenarios
Real life scenarios created by the instructors enable the attendees to experience the adrenaline rush, experience the effects for themselves and put into practice all the tools and strategies taught during the course – if you have a personal situation you want / need to explore, contact us to discuss & we will try to tailor training in a discreet & respectful manner.
Slow & Steady
The courses build a little at a time, so the attendee’s exposure to adrenal stress is increased as the course progresses. Until they finally face the Bulletman.
Most of our courses involve the Bulletman! It comprises of a specially designed suit worn by our Instructors enabling the students on the course to really test out what they have practised. The Bulletman can take full power strikes to the appropriate targets giving the attendee a truly unique opportunity – do not hold back!
The Bulletman is the closest thing you’ll ever get to a real, live attacker in a training environment. Unfortunately, most people think “it will never happen to me”, but that cannot (& should not) be relied upon – by attending theses course you will have the necessary tools to deal with the situation, should it arise, and stay safe.
Talk to us
A lot of other self-defence groups have an inability to create a real-life situation as we have described above, therefore, their training can give the attendee a false sense of security, without the practical, physical experience.
We don’t teach a myriad of fine motor skills that cannot be accessed when under stress, instead we tap into an area of learning that stays & is stored in the part of your brain where all your emotional responses are kept, as such, this training stays with you for life; the same as all your other life-changing memories.
Our FAST courses work because we teach the student to achieve these successes in controlled and increasingly aggressive and violent, stressful situations.
Although the instructors control the scenarios, the attendees have as real an experience as is possible, while effectively programming them to deal with the situation if it should happen. We pride ourselves in the knowledge that after you’ve completed our course you will have learnt a broad array of practical, useful skills & techniques.
The Self
- Avoid becoming a victim & thinking of the self as a victim
- Be less intimidated by aggressive people
- Total empowerment of self
- Assertive boundary setting
- How to operate in the ‘frog brain’ state
Your Opponent
- Seeing & interpreting body language
- Being aware & attentive to any environment
- Verbal de-escalation of situations
- Non-verbal communication – know your opponent & their intent before they do
- Practise simple strategies
- Simple effective strikes for when you can’t avoid a physical conflict
- Evasion & escape
- How the law in the UK works
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get on a course?
There is no need to join a martial arts programme to take advantage of our FAST Defence courses. Our basic course lasts approx 4 1/2 hrs, with lots of follow-on courses dealing with, weapons, multiple attackers, ground fighting and finally an opportunity to experience the ultimate purpose-built scenario centre – just contact us for more info!
Am I fit enough to study?
There are no fitness requirements, no martial art suits, no bowing, no complicated moves to remember, just good quality advice and techniques that will stay with you for life. FAST courses have been existence for over ten years in the UK, and in that time our team of instructors have taught thousands of people from all areas of society including school children, office staff, security staff, military and high ranking martial artists.
What about the instructors?
Our UK team is made up of highly motivated instructors, whose sole objective is to provide the best opportunity for everyone to realise their own abilities and gain the mindset and the power to fight for their own safety. We’re not here to show how good we are, but how good you are!
Are there any health concerns / restrictions?
Kickboxing helps to build strength, cardio-vascular health & endurance, fitness & much more besides, the only real limits in this regard are that you are able to practice safely, if you have any doubt, check with your GP & contact us to outline your specific conditions.
How do I book a course?
Just contact us here, & we can advise course dates, or set something up.
Can I book for my group?
Yes, whether you’re a Martial Arts instructor or other group leader of any kind, just get in touch!
I am dealing with a real situation right now, what can I do?
If your situation is challenging, & we know many people experience this, every day, there are many avenues of help for you, from contacting authorities, speaking to friends / colleagues, organisations or even people you’ve yet to meet – if you need help, you need help, period. Don’t delay, don’t hope it will get better on its own, reach out.
If your situation isn’t of immediate danger to you, maybe you’ve had an unpleasant experience that has affected you, or you fear a particular situation occurring, continuing or getting worse, please just contact us – we want to help. Most people do.